Our Programs & Services
Hand Up Ministries offers Christ-centered solutions to those seeking to rebuild their lives. Our Reentry Model incorporates best practices for successful reintegration. We use a multi-phase approach: Phase I; Phase II; Phase III; and a future Phase IV is underway. Each Phase targets the specific needs of the returning citizen beginning with Phase I crisis and stabilization through to Phase III and IV long term self-sufficiency and successful reintegration. At every stage residents are expected to follow the program rules, act responsibly, and take initiative for areas of responsibility. Addiction recovery and support with weekly group meetings and individual counseling are ongoing at every Phase. Residents attend classes twice each week to strengthen character development, life skills and positive direction. Residents are encouraged to attend the church of their choice weekly. The ideal is that each participant will establish community roots, obtain and maintain employment and comply with the requirements set forth, so as not to return to a life of criminal activity.
Newly released formerly incarcerated men and women face many obstacles to reentering society. Phase I deals with the most urgent needs: Immediate access to housing, food and clothing; Transportation to legal and medical appointments; Obtain State Identification and Social Security cards; Securing employment; Safe, clean and sober living structure; Daily coaching and mentoring; Spiritual encouragement and motivation; Collaboration with government agencies, (police, probation/parole, courts) to help ensure compliance to requirements and restrictions.
Upon getting a job or receiving Social Security, the participant starts Phase II. Residents entering Phase II now qualify for private living quarters which is based on availability and seniority. In Phase II, residents will work on the following: Learn money management and budgeting kills; Create a Money Management Plan; Facilitate Payment of Justice System Fines and Fees, Child Support, and other debts; Pay program fees; Participate in resident-led committee; Build Healthy, Trusting Relationships through peer-to-peer mentorship and small groups; Work to Reestablish Family Relationships
Phase III & IV
After accomplishing the goals of Phase I & II, some participants will choose to transition into the community and live on their own. The participants that choose to stay in the program will enter Phase III which maximizes their chances for permanent and lasting success. In The focus of this phase is to continue to address the mental, social/emotional, and spiritual growth and healing which often takes time. By Phase III, our participants are learning to face those issues, gain perspective, heal, and reach out to help others. They become mentors and leaders to the new residents and create that important sense of community and belonging.